14-Week-Old Riley Needs A Loving Home
All of the pets I've had in my life have been adopted pets. From a young age, I was shown just how loving, and nice adopted pets can be. I think it's because these animals are often overlooked and they have so much love pinned up within them that they're just waiting to release to the right family! Every week, we team up with our friends at the Humane Society of West Alabama to bring you a new pet up for adoption. This week's HSWA Pet of the Week is a cute 14-week old kitten named Riley.
Press Release
Riley is a recent arrival at our Cat Adoption Center. At only 14 weeks old, she is a fluffy kitten who would make a fun companion for just about anyone. Found abandoned in a dog park, Riley's foster parents tell us that she is good with cats, dogs, and children. She is super social and has a cute little meow that she uses to get attention, especially in the morning. She does like to try to run through doors, so her adopter will have to make sure they are quick with closing them so she stays safe inside.
Riley is up-to-date on vaccinations and is negative for FIV and feline leukemia. She is too young to be spayed, so there is a $100 refundable deposit required along with her $75 adoption fee. If you're interested in giving this little lady a home, please set up an appointment by emailing humaneswa@yahoo.com or by calling 205-554-0011 (leave a message). All adopters are required to be pre-approved by filling out the adoption application on our website.

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