Aliceville Alumni Prepare for Homecoming
Aliceville is a small, one traffic light town in rural West Alabama. The population is said to be less than 3,000, but you certainly wouldn't know it during Homecoming!
Homecoming festivities in Aliceville are CRAZY!
In addition to each day's designation (twin day, inside-out day, and other usuals), actual Homecoming Day brings out those who only come to the city once a year. This includes famous comedians, football players, musicians and other professionals who call Aliceville home... including one woman who runs two of the hottest radio stations in the state. (Ahem!)
What began as a few people tailgating outside the football stadium has turned into a full festival of sorts with dozens of tents and RVs, music, food, and people everywhere!
Some forward-thinking groups even considered the fact that beyond Homecoming Day, there aren't many things for area visitors to do. So, there's a fix for that.
Saturday, October 20, the City of Aliceville will host Blues in the Park, featuring O.B. Buchana!
Saturday, October 20, the Class of 1992 will host the Taking Care of Home Fundraiser
party at Aliceville Activity Center. Proceeds will benefit Aliceville Schools.
These are just a few of the events surrounding Aliceville Homecoming. If you know of more, feel free to leave the information in the comments. See you this weekend!
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