City of Tuscaloosa Opens Warming Station
It's no secret that we are experiencing near record lows. Some in our area were completely unprepared to handle this kind of cold.
According to Tuscaloosa City Councilman Kip Tyner, help is available for those needing a place of warmth.
A call to the Tuscaloosa Police Department revealed that the warming station is actually the Salvation Army at 1035 29th St; Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
An unnamed source says that the Salvation Army is always a warming station, which is available to as many as need its shelter as long as that number falls within the fire code.
So, if you or someone you know is in need of warmth, or if a fixed income limits the amount of utilities needed to maintain a safe temperature in your home, feel free to make use of the Salvation Army in Tuscaloosa.
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