Dr. Seuss Was Right – Steer Yourself
Dr. Seuss Was Right – Steer Yourself
When life hands us lemons, it is up to us to steer ourselves to turn those lemons into lemonade. Dr. Seuss said it best “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” What this means to me, is that we can control which direction our life can take. We control “our” decisions. At times decisions are made for us without our input. At times decisions are made for us can work out for the best or at times, can be those unfortunate lemons. It’s all about how we steer our attitude in dealing with the lemons of life. The direction is everything. I believe in forward momentum in everything I do, which for me, is turning lemons into lemonade. In the end, all I know is that Dr. Seuss was right, “You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
Have a great Tuesday – Be sure to follow me on Facebook at @MaryKRadio
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