The Pizza Doctor is Under Fire for Sharing Political Views
It is said that the easiest way to offend others is to attempt to influence political views or to push your religion (or lack thereof) on others. This is one of the reasons many businesses prohibit employees from discussing either. No workplace needs such tension, and most certainly don't care to offend paying customers.
Unfortunately, that's not the case for the Pizza Doctor in Carrollton, AL. The company has come under fire for signs posted in its front glass window.
For those unable to view the message, here's a clearer view:
Considering the restaurant's location and the customers who regularly order food, this may not have been the best idea. It sparked a lot of outrage from customers, including those who don't live in the area anymore but would make a stop there as part of a nostalgic trip.
Here's the bigger concern: It's not just a political position. The statement said this:
The RNC is leading the fight against the Democrats, getting our positive message to the voters and laying the groundwork to elect Republicans up and down the ballot in 2020….
Our President and our Party are counting on your continued support of the RNC..."
This indicates that a purchase in this establishment is supporting the RNC. Make no mistakes about it, any business owner is entitled to make a contribution to any organization or political party of his choosing. However, it wasn't the least bit wise to make such a statement without regard for what customers would be offended and stop spending their money in said establishment.
Someone attempted to make changes to the paper, following the commotion on social media.
If hypothetically, the owners did not place the paper in the window but allowed it... Or playing devil's advocate, they had no idea the paper was placed there, there is an inferred agreement, which is just as bad.
Granted, the Pizza Doctor will probably gain other customers who were previously unaware of this political position, but without those customers already in place, this was a very risky move.

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