Tuscaloosa High School Athletes to Watch: Li’Eric Street
Every parent of a star athlete loves to brag on the athletic prowess of his or her offspring; and since we rejoice with those who rejoice, we are here for it!
This morning, I received a message with this reel of Li'Eric Street, who plays for Northridge High School.
Of course, there's more to being great on the football field than being agile and having physical ability. All athletes must also maintain good grades to be eligible to play.
Jaguars #22, positions Running Back and Middle Line Backer. He plays JV and Varsity... He also wrestles and went to Virginia Beach in May for the State Title, came in 9th out of 100 in his bracket of wt 180 under Coach Love at Northridge, and he is also on the Soccer Team under Coach Eric Wilson. He’s an all around student and athlete he also plays drums, sings, raps and produces his own music and lyrics and a Tournament Chess Winner in 2015-2017 with the Birmingham Chess League. (They discontinued the school.)
And he was a preemie too, born at 7 months. We both flatlined during delivery so I remind him that God took our life in the beginning so the world couldn’t kill you! We are too excited and proud! His birthday is Saturday he will be 15 standing 5’9 195 lbs.
I'd say a young man this special is worth bragging on; and if your child is doing great things you'd like acknowledged, please let us know! Our youth definitely need it. Let's celebrate them while they're receptive.
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