Fun Night In Painting with the Girls
Since I was in high school, which was over 20 years ago, my family has attending Christmas Comes Alive, an annual production put on by Hannah United Methodist Church in Gordo, AL. The production tells the story of the birth of Christ, including the prophecy that He was to come, stories that occurred during His life, and events that are yet expected come. Unfortunately, the weather prevented us from going this year.
So, on a cold and dreary Sunday evening, my daughter complained of boredom. We started to watch a movie but just couldn't get into it. So, I made a suggestion.
"You wanna paint?"
"Yeah! Let's paint."
Off to Michael's we went. We got some acrylic paint, brushes, canvases (which happened to be 50% off, by the way), and went off to pick up a few nieces.
Now, because I am cheap-- or thrifty, if you will --instead of buying palettes for the different paints to be placed for each user, I bought a stack of styrofoam plates, which I needed anyway, and used those to drop a dollop of each desired color. I mean, there was no sense in spending on palettes for people who don't know what they're doing.
We spent a little over an hour painting before I took them home, but we've already decided to have another "painting party" when they go on Christmas break.
(Side note: I spent less on four girls and myself, and we already have enough paint for our next two to five paint gatherings, than I spent just taking my daughter to the movies Saturday.)
Real talk, I can hardly wait.