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The Tuscaloosa County High School Wildcats are celebrating homecoming. Homecoming week means a parade and a big football game. Homecoming week means a friendly Junior class vs. Senior class competition. Homecoming week at Tuscaloosa County High also means pranks.

A post at Northport Citizens Alliance on Facebook by Lauren Landolt Peabody reads “If you received that robot call like I did you know our poor Tuscaloosa County High School principal has had a day.  Y’all say a little prayer for that man and all the madness he has to deal with. Parents understand it's our job to control the kids who think dumping trash at 3am is homecoming tradition acceptable”.

So it appears there was a little 3am garbage dump by teen Wildcats as part of the homecoming prank tradition at Tuscaloosa County High. Of course they are dealing with it. Some Northport Citizen Alliance readers questioned why anyone's teenage kids would be out unsupervised at 3am. That is a very good question.

If you are aware of any other Tuscaloosa County High School homecoming prank activities, please let us know.

And Happy homecoming Tuscaloosa County High School Wildcats! #keepitclassy

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